
Website to predict future events for 2008 - elections, sports, events, markets, etc.

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Please click here for my detailed prediction of the next American President and Vize President...

Predictions 2008, future predictions, making predictions,
Nostradamus, Nostradamus quotes, Nostradamus 2008,
Nostradamus interpretations, Nostradamus predictions,
President, Vice President.

Presidential elections USA McCain betting odds


Nostradamus, Obama, McCain, Mabus and the antichrist: A Digression


Anonymous said...

Nostradamus vs John McCain

Dear friends,

sure I had some doubts about you when I came from Google to step on this page here (empty but new?) - but once I followed the link to Michael it all paid off.

Let me tell ya: If John McCain makes it into the White House with Giuliani... then Pope Benedict really got some hard work to do if he wants me to stay Catholic.

I hope you'rte wrong and I can somehow get on with my life - nothing personal against you, I hope you'll undertand.

Best regards,

A Protected Citizen, anonym

Anonymous said...

Nostradamus, Obama, McCain and Mabus: http://preeedict.blogspot.com/2008/08/nostradamus-obama-mccain-and-mabus.html

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